Ratu 14 Poutu- te -rangi

Tuesday 14 March

Dear Parents and Caregivers
It’s nearly time for our annual Family Fun Night.
We will be gathering on the bottom field next Wednesday 22 March at 5.00pm – 7.30pm for an evening of relaxation and a chance to meet up with other Northcote Primary School parents, children and teachers to have fun and make new connections in our community.
There will be events like egg and spoon races, tug of war, parachute, Jump Jam, digging for buried treasure, a Teddy Bear’s picnic and our traditional parent’s egg throwing competition to wind the evening up. Bring your teddy bears – the more the merrier.
FONS is organising lots of delicious food so you can either buy a burger or hot dog or some yummy home baking, or bring along your own picnic. Stalls will be open from 5.00pm.
You will have received a blue notice from FONS requesting help on the evening. We still urgently need helpers on the stalls to serve all this amazing food. Your help for half an hour would be greatly appreciated and will speed up the serving process and keep the queues short. Please email fonscomms@gmail.com (this is a new email address for FONS) with a time that you can help. The roster is spilt into half hour slots: 4.30 – 5.00pm (setting up), 5.00 – 5.30pm, 5.30 – 6.00pm, 6.00 – 6.30pm, 6.30 – 7.00pm, 7.00 – 7.30pm (serving times), 7.30 – 8.00pm (clearing up). The more helpers we get, the lighter the load. FONS are looking forward to hearing from you!
The evening will finish around 7.30pm. If the weather is unsettled then the saver date is Thursday 23 March.
We hope you will all be able to join us for a wonderful evening with family and friends.
Regards Family Fun Night team

Maui and the sun

Our wondering about Hunua and the Camp experience.

Please fill this in get it back to me. Email in if you find that easier.

we are moving onto addition and subtraction stage 5. Here are the exemplars for this level.

Room 11 maths. Basic facts and tables

Winners of the golden cup!

Semi finalists who only lost against our Northcote 1 team all day.

Great support crew!

We won some and lost some but loved it.

Northcote 1's second cup!
What a great day out thanks to all the parents who came to help. We so appreciate your help!


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