Rahina 10 Peanga-Whawha

Monday 10 April

Look out for a letter from your child about our end of term shared morning tea and lunchtime pool party.

After a weekend in the sun our terrarium is creating its own water cycle.

Spike's misty, cloud filled bottle.

Today we had our  class record butterfly quota. We had our 3rd butterfly in a day hatch.

The children took these photos of the monarch butterfly.

If your child is interested in playing chess in Term 2 they will need to get this form.

We are hoping to tick off a box over the holidays "sustain reading of longer texts" .
Look at our choices.

We swam today. We did a range of strokes; free style, breast stroke, butterfly kick, and then 10 minutes of fee time with the snorkles.

Look how far Orestes has come in a term of swimming. He is a star!

In Term 2 we have our new Principal arriving. We will be having a Mihi Whakatau for him. You are welcome to attend. There will be more information to come. We are proacticing our pepeha, karakia and waiata for this inportant welcoming.


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